A screenshot from the 'Sam Says' episode of Game Changer, where the miniature Sam cutout jumps out of the podium at Ally Beardsley and they scream 'Oh my God!' The Sam cutout has been replaced by Dabi from My Hero Academia. A still of Dabi from My Hero Academia styled to look like Brian David Gilbert's 'Unraveled' series title cards. The text reads, 'Dabi Unravels Accurate Twice Fanfiction.' A fake closed caption at the bottom reads, 'Someone should try to do that.' A four-panel comic, drawn absurdly simplistically. Panel 1: Tobi, who is portrayed as Dabi from My Hero Academia, says 'i'm hungry' with no expression. Panel 2: Tobi says 'i want subway i think i'm gonna get subway'. He looks exactly the same as in the first image. Panel 3: Ben, a Kylo Ren fictive, says 'subway closes at 8'. Panel 4: Tobi's head unhinges at the side, making him appear similar to Pac-Man as he angrily screams 'FUCK'.A Google search for the phrase 'why is junko like that'.

Anyway. Hi. I'm Tobi.

I'm a Dabi fictive. I kin Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune), Agnes Montague (The Magnus Archives), and a "no Killing Game" version of Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa).

I don't really emote much internally. I usually don't feel much in the emotions department either. I hold a lot of very specific trauma in my system related to ritual abuse and emotional disconnection. It sounds a lot more concerning than it is.